Sunday 8 November 2015

Infinity Treasure

Hi, readers. Lama sangat rasanya aku tinggalkan dunia blogger aku ni disebabkan kekangan masa dan ketiadaan komputer riba bersama aku. Aku ingat lagi di mana blog adalah tempat aku luahkan segala rasa yang tersimpan kemas di hati aku. Blog ini juga lah tempat aku belajar bagaimana nak gunakannya atas bantuan beberapa kawan yang sangat aku sanjungi akan kepintaran dan kepakarannya dalam menggunakan blog. Aku dah ubah sedikit sebanyak aku punya blog ni sebab aku tinggalkannya dalam keadaan yang serabut dan tidak teratur.

Jadi, kepada sesiapa yang pernah membaca setiap inti didalam blog aku ni dia akan tahu dan sedar di mana kurangnya aku selama ini. Jadi aku nak tutup kisah lama yang aku tinggalkan dan akan ku kuburkannya. Sekarang, aku nak mulakan dengan kisah baru. Kisah yang mengubah hidup aku, kisah yang mengubah diri aku yang dahulunya tidak berfikiran terbuka dan merasakan apa yang aku buat semuanya betul instead of mendengar pendapat orang.

Aku khilaf.
Jadi, kawan-kawan. Boleh terima aku seadanya?

2015, banyak sebenarnya yang aku belajar sepanjang aku hidup pada tahun ini. Sejak habis alam persekolahan ni, aku belajar sesuatu yang baru. Kehilangan. Ini semesetinya menjadi topik yang hangat di kalangan remaja. Habis sahaja hidup mereka di alam persekolahan, sudah tentu ada yang pergi dan ada juga yang masih setia dan tinggal bersama mereka. Semuanya mudah diperkatakan namun sukar diterima.

Kehilangan kawan-kawan yang pernah bersama, makan bersama semasa rehat, lepak bersama, borak bersama, cerita pasal tingkah manusia. Semuanya sudah tersimpan rapi sebagai satu memori yang indah. Bahkan ada juga memori yang menyayat hati dan memori yang pahit tapi apalah sangat jika dibandingkan dengan memori yang terindah yang kita bina dahulu bersama-sama? Semua itu tak penting.

Kawan yang aku ada sepanjang aku sekolah, aku simpan. Aku tak pernah lupakan mereka. Aku tak pernah buang mereka daripada hidup aku. Aku simpan kerana aku terlalu mahukan mereka berada bersama aku, aku terlalu gembira setiap kali aku bersama mereka. Ada suka duka yang pernah terjadi dalam tempoh masa yang lama mahupun singkat tapi itu yang mematangkan pemikiran dan menjadikan suatu pengalaman bagi kita semua.

Habis sahaja spm, aku cuma mengharapkan mereka tidak akan menguburkan begitu sahaja memori yang kita pernah bina selama kita berkawan. Selesai sahaja menduduki kertas ujian yang terakhir, hati aku berasa sesak kerana aku tahu, peluang aku jumpa mereka lagi memang tipis. Buktinya, sehingga kini aku masih susah nak kumpulkan semua orang. Tapi, usaha yang berterusan tidak akan sia-sia bukan?

Banyak sungguh memori yang kita bina bersama.

Dari tingkatan dua sampai lah tingkatan lima, aku satu kelas dengan orang yang sama. Sebabnya, kelas aliran agama hanya lah satu dalam sekolah aku tu. Aku kenal mereka, aku kenal hati budi mereka. Tapi, satu-satu orang pergi meninggalkan sejak jejaknya kaki kami ke tingkatan empat. Hanya beberapa ketul orang aje yang tinggal.

Aku teringat lagi betapa aku tidak sukakan budak baru. Bukan aku tak suka apa, aku cuma takut untuk buat kawan. Aku takut jika aku terlalu baik dan berkawan dengan mereka, kelak mereka akan tinggalkan aku. Aku dengar juga yang budak baru masa tu masuk masa tingkatan empat dan mereka sangat takut untuk tegur aku kerana wajahku yang bengis dan tampak sombong. Aku memang tak bertegur dengan budak baru. Sampai mereka yang tegur, mereka yang friendly. Aku okey aje masa tu dan lama-kelamaan aku berkawan dengan mereka, aku jadi selesa. Perasaan takut aku mula timbul sebaik mereka suka berkawan dengan aku. Rasa takut jika ditinggalkan.

Aku cuba pejamkan mata. Fikirkan sebentar adakah semua ini yang terbaik buat aku? Adakah cuba luaskan bulatan aku untuk berkawan adalah yang terbaik? Aku buka kembali mata aku dan kawan-kawan aku berada di hadapan aku, berjalan di sisiku. Aku berasa bersyukur, mereka sama-sama tarik aku bersama. Mereka mahu aku terus berada di samping mereka.

Sungguh, aku sayangkan mereka. Aku takut akan kehilangan salah seorang yang aku gelarnya sahabat. Aku tak mahu benda yang lalu berulang lagi dalam kehidupan aku. Jadi, aku putuskan untuk terus bertanya khabar walau sibuk mana pun aku. Aku mahu terus menjadi kawan mereka. Walau pun hanya untuk seketika. Aku mahu menjadi kawan kepada mereka. Aku mahu mereka katakan bahawa aku adalah kawan mereka.

Aku tidak mahu kehilangan mereka, mereka adalah harta yang terindah yang pernah aku miliki. Mereka mendengar setiap rahsia, rintihan, kegembiraan aku. Mereka tidak menyindir, malah mereka sering memberikan aku semangat untuk terus bangkit dari jatuh tersungkur. Mereka adalah harta yang akan ku simpan rapi dan mustahil bagiku untuk melepaskan kawan sebaik mereka.

Perkenalan kita sungguh bermakan bagiku. Melepaskanmu adalah mustahil. Tetapi jika kau masih mahu pergi, aku lepaskan. Aku mendoakan yang baik-baik untukmu.

Terima kasih atas memorinya, akan ku simpan sampai bila-bila.

Goodluck in the future!

Sayang, sungguh aku sayangkan kalian. 
The Kaarians!


Tuesday 27 October 2015

See you again

I go to school to meet you,
I get up early for you.

Did you change me?
Have I definitely come to like you?

Graduation is beginning, there are many backs,
I quickly find your back first and i want to look at you,
The smell of blooming flowers that comes and disappears.

On the day when I didn’t see your back once,
It was definitely boring all day long.

The classroom, 
The hallway,
The laboratory,
The stairs,
The edge that you returned to of the hill,
If you realized that I was looking for you.

Because it was the last time I would meet you,
Please give me one piece of you.

The second I was able to hear your name,
“Don’t go” the outside of my chest began to hurt,
Because I like you,
I want you to stay.

If my eyes met yours with some feeling, 
My ears became hot.

It wasn’t only that, I became tensed
A tiny happiness, I quietly stayed away from you
The words I began to say blocked my throat.

I will meet you again soon,
I felt your cheerful words quite well for some reason
An endless thought still overflows in me but
I also laughed fully and nodded

You’ve come with company
Your blunt “do your best”
Your figure fades a little
You stained one part of my life
Even if I want to say it
Even if I can’t say it
I like you too much


久々 に あの 橋 から 夕日 を 見たい な まだ あの 花 わ 咲いている かな? あの 空 に かかる 虹 も また 見える かな? 一つ ずつ 思い出す 私 の 場所

Wednesday 17 June 2015

High school besties!

Sometimes in life, you'll find a special friend who will changes your life just by being part of it. The one who can makes you laugh until you can't stop. I found someone in my life. Someone who I thought with their presence is nothing. But that nothing turned out to be something precious. Right pals, this year was totally an upside downs for me of losing people in my life. I don't really questioned myself why would they left. I've done my best but still, not everyone will like me. Hahaha. I don't please with those hypocrites people so better let them go cause why not? Letting toxic environment just make you sick of it. The least friends that I have quite worth it.

It was totally amazing year to have them in my life. Even though we just met this year but the memories we created together are splendid! Sabrina razak, I've known her since 2012. Damia 2014 and nadhira, on 2015 they're new gals. I was so anti-budak baru that time, and I'm sorry for that. Them, being close with them are another level that could make my senior year amazing. I totally wanna let the world knows how amazing they are that I finally wrote about them. I thought my high school life could be such a boring life because I was a damn introvert. It was amazing. That I would be friend with them all over again. Wishing next 10 years, we still be friends. I love you guys so fricking much.

Good luck babygirls on our SPM next year. Hoping we can reach our dream!

this is from mia and it so beautiful handwriting.

Thank you for this year babygirls. Looking forward another year together! 
Good luck and all the best. Let's do our best for our final fight.

- Rin ♡ 

Tuesday 7 April 2015

Bae bee girls

Tights as a knot
We are bound together
Although we’re still young
We’ll be friend forever.

So many memories,
Even more to be made

The tears and the laughter...
May they never fade.

The parties,
the fun,
the jokes

Played at school
The times when we agreed
What was and wasn’t cool

I hope I’ll never lose you;
You’re my very best friend

I know that we’ll always
Stick together till the end

Trusted and true
And this is for everything
And all that you do.

Wherever you go
Between the miles

If you need me,
If you need a friend.
Let me be the friend, I want to be.

Take my hand and follow me
to that place I long to be.
Take my hand and trust my way,
in that place forever stay.

Follow me toward the sand;
we'll run and play, hand in hand.
Take my heart and hold it true;
forever I'll stay close to you.

Seize my words and listen well,
then forever I will tell.

Release your heart and feelings too,
just as I will do for you.

Trust your heart and follow me,
to that place we long to be.

Is there anything I can do for you in return?
If you ever need me, I'll fly straight to where you are, I promise 

Monday 2 February 2015

The 4 Musketeers

Sometimes in life, you'll find a special friend,
Someone who changes your life just by being part of it,
Someone who makes you laugh until you can't stop,
Someone who makes you believe that there really is good in the world,
Someone who convinces you that there really is an unlocked door just waiting for you to open it.

This is forever friendship.

When you're down and the world seems dark and empty,
Your forever friend lifts you up in spirit and makes that dark and
Empty world suddenly seem bright and full.
Your forever friend gets you through the hard times,
The sad times and the confused times.

If you turn and walk away, your forever friend follows.
If you lose your way, your forever friend guides you and cheers you on.
Your forever friend hold your hand and tells you that everything is going to be okay.
And if you find such a friend, you feel happy and complete because you need not worry.
You have a forever friend, and forever has no end.

Sabrina Razak aka my dear twin and soulmate,

She's the one that never turned me down,
She always be there for me the time I need someone,
She used to soothe me with her magic words,
Which never failed to make me feel okay all over again,
Her advices were the most powerful words.

She's a great listener and brilliant advisor,
I never can't be thankful enough for having her.

It's been three years since I've been her friend,
And the first time I entered the classroom,
I'm totally clueless.

I sat at the back, with no one,
There she with Zahidah approached me,
Since then I love them more than I ever know.

She love vintage things,
Just give anything that vintages,
She'll be like, "OMG!" with her reaction.

I'm always 'lepaking' at her house because her house was near school.
We studied, did homework, and made a little study group.

She's very kind, pretty plain, simple, loving, caring and lately she's lazy person :p
She knew the look of my face when I got problems or hiding something from her,
She'll ask me to talk no matter what.

She's way too clingy and sucha spoiled brat but I love her,
The most cutie clingy ever.

Whoever that close to her just knew her well,
She looked pretty happy in school,
People might said that 'I wish I had her life'
But nobody knew what the hell she's been throughout the years.

She's the person,
More likely me.

Damia Ruszani aka Funny Girl

We just knew each other this year.

When I asked her, "What do you think of me for the first time?"
She answered, "First-2, takut sangat nak tegur dia sebab orang cakap dia tak suka budak baru. Lepastu whatsapp dengan dia, nak kenal lebih rapat then baru tahu dia ni gila-gila orangnya."
I laughed, this is superb funny, hilarious guys. Like seriously?

She's adorable, chubby, and most friendly person I ever had.
We loved to gaduh-gaduh manja,
She always said that the way I talk like I want to angry at her XD

She's the fan of yellow colours, guys.

If you got anything to give to her, find yellow one,
She'll jump like a monkey if she have that.

Last but not least, she's never forget to make my gallery full of her faces.
Like she said, "Oleh sebab rin ada camera360 yang lawa, jadi saya penuhkan"
I never care about that, I just love it.

Actually, she's really special to me,
She also clingy and cute,
I don't know how to describe.

She's way too perfect,

Sometimes, for a minute,
I wish I had her life.

She's fragile, don't you ever dare to hurt her.
If you dare, you'll face me first stinky jerks.

Nadhira Redzuan aka Mysterious Girl

She's the mysterious one,
Kind, friendly, sporting, cute of course hehe,
I never thought a quiet person like you were K-popper,
I've been close to her thanks to whatsapp too.

She's like miyo,
She's also afraid to approach me just because of the rumours,
Because I told jed that I'm not interested with new kid,
Never thought that they will take it seriously.

She love EXO,
If you wanna give her something,
Then give her that EXO's things,
She'll love it.

She's cramazing,
I used to 'gaduh manja' with her,
We also used to call each other 'nek,  cu, nak'

Our mothers were in the same school,
We used to stayback at our mothers' school together,
We went to biology's class at our mothers' school together,
We used to a lot of things together.

Everytime our mothers met,
They will talk about us, always.

I never thought that our mothers work in the same school,
That I'm so glad to have you.

We went to the same tuition together with sabrina razak,
At Cikgu Sano's place who is funny and otaku. Haha.

You're so undescribable,
Great, charming, clever and understandable.

Hope you're fine today and future.

Next year, we're going to be senpai yeahh
Hahaha don't forget that we're librarian ok?

I love you guys to the moon,
Goodluck in our spm!