Friday 3 October 2014

Hilang kau?

Have you ever feel losing your best friend?
Who had left a lot of memories with?

This year i "lost" a lot of friend that used to cry and laugh with,
But that’s okay now.

She’s my best friend,
Who used to always have a fight with,
Who used to stalk me when she's online,
Who used to cheer me up when I’m in tear,
Who used to give me a big smile,
Who used to mad at me when I tease her
Who used to share every inch of her problems with me.


I don’t think you still remember those memories,
Hahaha hambar lah, kawan.

Kau ingat tak lagi?
Kau suka buat aku tersenyum dengan perangai kau,
Kau suka buat lawak even hambar tapi aku gelak jugak lel,
Kau suka buat aku merajuk,
And if aku merajuk, kau mesti buat something,
Something supaya aku okay balik.

Kau tahu tak aku rindu semua tu?
Kenapa kau macam dah tak nak layan aku?

Eh no, not just me, but us. Why?
Aku selalu tertanya tanya weh.

Bila aku dengar mereka kata yang
Kau makin lama makin jauh dengan kami,
I was like "lantak kau" but actually hati aku menangis,
Sebab terlalu rindu kan kau.

Kau tahu tak aku rindu nak
Gaduh, merajuk, marah, cubit, tampar kau?

Aku tak tahu apa yang kau fikir,
Sometimes i just wish that I could read people’s mind,
I never doubt on you but you make me think like that.

Sekarang ni rasa macam tak ada rasa dah,
Kau nak menjauh ke nak abaikan aku ke,
Suka hati kau lantak kau.

Kalau kau rasa kami ni still kawan kau,
Kau akan cakap, but i don’t think so anymore.

Tahu tak aku rasa awkward sesangat bila nak cakap dgn kau
Sebab rasa macam I’m not belong to have a talk with,
Aku sudah tak banyak gurau dgn kau,
Tak banyak cakap dgn kau, 
Rasa macam aku jauh dgn kau sbb kau
Perasan tak?

I never mean to do so but you make me feel
Like i dont deserve to be your friend anymore.

Sekarang kau bukan dgn kami,
You’ve someone else.

Am I still your friend?
Because I miss rindu gelak tawa kau,
Can you just stay with me, us again?
Lepak dgn kami lagi?

Tahu tak bila aku tanya balik kau apa yg aku pernah cerita,
Kau tak ingatt weh haha nampak sgt macam kau tak kisah pun.

Tak apa lah, aku dah penat.

As long kau happy with people surround so do i,
And I’m sure you will be happy without us,

Aku sayang kau, aku rindu kau
