Monday 1 August 2016

Happy national girlfriend day!

Dear honey-girls,
You probably had been through a lot of stuffs,
You probably had been hurt for several times,
You probably had been trying to be strong.

You had try great enough,
Until you felt extremely tired.

You're great,
You're awesome,

Maybe you'd been label as a skinny,
Maybe you'd been label as a fatty,
Maybe you'd been label as a white,
Maybe you'd been label as a dark,
Maybe you'd been label as a beautiful,
Maybe you'd been label as a ugly.

None of that matters,
Because we're girls,
We're totally gorgeous in our way.

Your time is totally limited,
Don't waste it living in someone's else life

Don't waste it just to fit in people,
Who don't deserve you.

Don't let the noise of other's opinion
Drown your own inner voice.

You have your own right,
You have your own decisions.

You have the courage to follow your own
Heart and your intuition.

Be great,
Be awesome.

Don't let anyone be the barricade,
From you being yourself.

Make it work, now.

You don't have to chase people anymore.
You learned that you're here, and you're important.
You're not going to run after people to prove that you matter.

Stop trying to make things better with people
Who obviously don't show any interest in you.

Do whatever you want,
People won't stop criticizing you anyway
And it's not something to worry about.

Whatever you lose,
You'll find it again.
But what you throw away,
You'll never get it back.

Don't lose hope,
You're beautiful and worth it.
You can do it even if they criticize you.

You're who you are.
Love yourself.

You don't have to be tough every minute of every day.
It's okay to let your guard down.
In fact, sometimes it's the best thing you can do.

If you need someone,
Talk to me even if it's about the littlest things.

It may seem to you, just tell me all about it.
Your words and thoughts always thrills me.

Fight for something that you think it's worth it
And left those are not behind.

They don't know your struggle,
They just kept said bad things towards you.

It's okay my love,
You're worthy, don't lose hope.

Live your life,
You don't live to please others.


Be happy for no reason, like a child.
If you're happy for a reason, you'll be in trouble.
Because that reason can be taken away from you.

Nah, this is a song that I dedicated to girls all over the world.
Chin up, girls. You're the toughest girl!

- Rin ♡ 

Thursday 21 April 2016

Shortvacay to Melaka

Hey, what's up guys!

It's April now and it's felt so long since I left school. Finally, SPM is over! I am totally freedom from school, homework and school stuffs. You know what it is. But, sometimes I did missed school stuffs, like friends, homework, detention, teachers and more. Eventhough I am not that active person but slowly, I missed those moments.

Okay back to the topic. Today, sabrina razak and i went to Melaka with kakcik due to her last presentation for her last semester of diploma. And i am a proud sister, to see she became a great person. So, we accompanied her. So today, we went to several place and we also went to Pantai Klebang. 

After that, we went for dinner and went back to the hotel. Take a rest. Kakcik prepared stuffs for tomorrow. Ganbatte!

The next day, we were just explore and discover the hotel after breakfast. There's not really a lot of people during weekdays though. So it's like, the hotel is ours. Hahaha.

After kakcik settled down. We went to The Shore Sky Tower.

Then, we went straight to mosque to perform salah. Next, we went home!

That's all that i can share with you guys today. Toodles!


Sometimes aku rasa cemburu dengan orang yang dapat masuk universiti, matriks, yang tak ada sebarang kaitan dengan sekolah, yang tak ada kaitan dan tidak terikat dengan peraturan sekolah.

Kadang-kadang aku rasa masuk form six ni memang tak best dan membosankan lagi-lagi bila masih berada di alam persekolahan. But in the same time, sekelumit hati aku ada mengatakan yang aku memang nak masuk form six eventhough dapat tawaran ke mana-mana pun. Sebab masa form six ni, aku boleh bina keyakinan diri, boleh belajar sedikit sebanyak hidup sebagai pelajar universiti sebab form six memang stand for pelajar pra-universiti. Aku tak berapa minat sangat form six ni haih. Oh right, to be honest, form six was my last option of them all.

I really want to be a dentist, sejak kecil aku letak cita-cita ni dalam diri aku. Ayah aku pernah juga tanya "Nak sambung dentist dekat Indonesia, tak?" and my ibu pula pernah sarankan aku pergi dentistry ada satu universiti tu dalam berapa bulan entah belajar situ and terus fly ke Russia untuk sambung pengajian dentistry. Aku okay je mana-mana tapi ayah pula tak setuju sebab bagi ayah macam aku terlalu ikutkan sangat pilihan ibu ayah sehingga terlupa minat aku selama ini. Ayah seolah-olah beri aku peluang untuk teruskan apa yang aku minat. Masalahnya, aku juga tak tahu nak ke mana dan aku minat apa. Sama ada, pengajian islam, sains atau architecture.

Aku buntu, aku betul-betul buntu. Kusut fikiranku memikirkan semua ini dan akhirnya aku dapat masuk form six dengan harapan aku hanya berada di situ untuk jangka masa yang pendek tapi aku salah. Pilihan universiti yang aku dapat semuanya tak menarik dan bukan dalam pilihan aku. Aku juga tak berapa masuk dengan bidang tersebut jadi aku mengambil keputusan untuk tinggal di form six. So, apa yang aku nak jadi sekalipun. Aku redha dengan segala ketentuan Allah. Aku hanya manusia biasa yang hanya mampu merancang, Allah yang menentukan segala-galanya dan ianya adalah terbaik buatku.

Terima kasih ya Allah.

So nasihat aku kat sini, di mana sekalipun kita sambung belajar, sama aje sebenanrya. Yang membezakannya cuma adalah usaha kita dalam nak survive dalam pengajian yang kita ambil. Semuanya itu adalah yang terbaik.

Kawan aku pernah cakap “Tak semestinya apa yang kita minat itu adalah yang terbaik untuk kita. Usaha lah untuk mencuba sesuatu yang baru. Allah ada untuk bantu,”

Pada mulanya, memang akan ada rasa macam form six ni susah dan pedih. Sebab tempohnya hanyalah satu tahun setengah. Tapi system form six sekarang sama macam universiti dan ianya memudahkan bagi para pelajar yang mengambilnya. Misalnya, tahun sebelum system baru bermula. Memang lagi susah nak dapatkan pointer yang baik sebab system tu tak ada semester so kiranya tahun baru ni dengan system baru lagi mudah untuk mendapatkan pointer baik.

Mindset tu kena betul. Jangan fikir semuanya sukar padahal mindset kita tu yang menjadi penghalang untuk berjaya. Jadi berfikir lah secara terbuka dan positif. InsyaAllah semuanya baik-baik sahaja.

If you've decided that you can't do it even before you act, you have already made it into something impossible.

Ada sahaja orang yang selalu memperlekehkan form six ni macam taraf pengajian form six ni rendah sangat tapi kenyataannya, dengan memasuki form six lah kita dapat masuk universiti. Senang. Aku mengaku, aku dulu masa tingkatan perdana sekalipun memandang form six pun tak ada lah tinggi sangat rendah pun tidak. Tapi, form six still wasn’t my option.

Aku fikir hendak masuk universiti ni senang aje until aku sendiri mengalaminya. Dengan hidup universiti lagi, my sis always told me that once dah masuk universiti, memang kena pandai survive, pandai pilih kawan. Kalau tak, pelajaran ke mana, hidup ke mana. Walau belajar tinggi mana sekalipun, kalau tidak ada adab, tidak ke mana juga kita akhirnya. Ada sahaja yang pandai meletops tapi kerana tiada peradaban dalam masyarakat, dia tak ada bezanya dengan sampah.

Akhir kata, semuanya sudah tertulis, takdir kita. Allah tahu apa yang terbaik, kita sahaja yang perlu bersyukur. Berusaha dan carilah ilmu hingga ke negara China sekalipun. Ilmu Allah ini luas dan tidak akan habis untul dipelajar.

Kepada semua adik-adik yang merasakan jika masuk form six ni akan menurunkan taraf kita, orang sering memperlekehkan. Jangan fikir begitu, semuanya adalah yang terbaik untuk kita semua. Jangan pernah rasa rendah diri hanya kerana kita masih berada di dalam alam persekolahan dan rakan-rakan kita sudah melangkah kea lam universiti. Hidup kita, Allah sudah rancang dengan cantik sekali. Jangan persoalkan kenapa. Belajar bersyukur dan menerima segalanya.

Form six bukan yang semua sangka. Form six juga adalah tempat kita mahu kuatkan pendirian kita untuk masuk ke alam universiti. Peluang untuk sambung ijazah menerusi sijil Stpm adalah cerah, jangan pertikaikan. Mentaliti masyarakat selalu perlekehkan, sebab mereka tidak mengalaminya. Mereka tidak mengerti apa itu sebenarnya kehidupan form six.

Semoga berjaya dan sentiasa di bawah perlindunganNya.

Sunday 7 February 2016

Dear haters;

So this is the beginning of it all.
The beginning of all those dramas,
The dramas that happened surround,
Mostly people will facing the same thing,
But they don't make it public,
Because maybe possibly they can handle it,
When me myself?
I'm not seeking for attentions,
I'm not being crazy,
I'm just tired of this shitty life,
Full of shitty people.
I don't care about those little rumors,
I don't even give a shit about them,
I don't care about those haters.
But if you kept spreading rumors,
About me then you're looking for the 
Wrong person to fight with.
If you hate my masterpieces,
Then step and stay away from here.
All what i was saying just a shitty things,
That you need to criticising me,
My grammar also as bad as a dummy,
Who didn't learn much about english,
Keep criticising and don't correcting me.
I'm so sick of people like this,
I'm done with all these bullshits.
If you hate me,
Then go.
I don't live to please you,
I don't live every single seconds 
Just to argue with you about
How ugly and bad my thingy is.
So, better you watch and mirror yourself
Before you spit those dirty words to me,
Don't do the same things to others,
Like you did to me you cowardo.
I don't have times to do this,
I don't have the seconds to watch
Your hating things in my profile.
I live my life,
I don't have to please you,
I'm too busy for people like you.
Dear haters.