Wednesday 28 February 2024

#1 Family Day! at Bentong ≧◡≦

Hi, it's been so long I guess.

Here I am, writing again on my blog. Hehehe.

So, I'm going to tell you guys about my first family day trip. We supposed to do this event during school holiday which is it's this weekend. But some of us said before that they couldn't make it so we decided to do next school holiday at mid-year. But kita hanya mampu merancang kan. Ibu said that she wanna do family day so bad. We planned it A BIT last minute. 3 or 4 days before. Chaos. Totally. I enjoyed the process and journey though there's lot of obstacles you know. We decided to do the family day on 24-25 February which is on weekend. So everyone could gathered.

I as the secretary of event planned out from the ajk and itinerary. It's a challenging but I love it. Make it posters, and all. Oh, I also in charge of being a photographer. I'm so excited that I wanna share the posters that I made but, I can't. It's a bit family privacy. So I'll just tell you our journey instead.

Sabtu (24 Februari 2024)

So, we left home around 10AM with 4 cars. We find a place to lunch first just a restaurant near our homestay. We ate nasi campur. A bit late cause lauk dah nak habis but sokay as long we can eat something. 

I ate this! Ikan keli ヽ(^◇^*)/

After that, we went straight to the homestay that we will held out our family day. Rehat kejap, solat zuhur and then we will start our games that our ajk aktiviti sediakan. I took a video for the house tour so I'll put here! Also, kami bahagikan bilik through apps. There are 8 rooms and each married members got one and the single members also got one. I shared with kids.

Disclaimer: I'm still an amateur!

As soon as we got the room, we went there. We got upstairs' rooms! Every rooms got facilities, air-cond, television, bathroom, iron. Full-packaged. Then, we're going to move to our next itineraryyy.

But- sadly to be told, peralatan that ajk sediakan, left at home. It's just, dang, it's so hard. Luckily it just took one hour from here to our home so our abangs came to the rescue. They went home and took it. But, ah why, as they arrived home, they accidentally took keys that don't have a key for the door. I don't know how to say. Haha it can be frustrating and funny at the same time. They used their brains to open the door and they did it. We waited at homestay while the kids swimming, while others karaoke-ing, and some of us set up to masak for dinner. We're having barbequing! Yay

Basically, kami kena buat perubahan pada tentatif supposedly game starts at 3.30PM but atas masalah sedikit we postponed it at 6.00PM, isi air dalam botol, dalam kolam. And the next games after Isha'. So first, we divided into 2 groups. Kumpulan biru dan merah. Luckily again, married members got into one group.

Biru: Ibu, Abgcik, Kakyani, Abg zainal, Kakcik, Me, Hanis, Aaira

Merah: Ayah, Abang, Kaklong, Abg ngah, Kakak, Haikal, Dhiah, Irdina

First game, isi air dalam botol group merah yang menang. We used different size of bekas-bekas. Mangkuk, cawan, gayung and etc. Bila tengok balik video, kelakar betul memasing. Hahaha and the way abgcik tried to cheat takkan berjaya. I learned that teamwork are the best. Second game, main bola tampar. Tapi ni just santai-santai je. Takde lawan dapat hadiah pun.

Habis je, siap-siap mandi semua then solat Maghrib. Isha', kami solat berjemaah dan buat bacaan yaasin. After that, kami siap-siap masak, dan akan mula main next game. Sambil-sambil masak bergilir-gilir, kami mulakan main game UNO. I couldn't make it to the semifinal hahaha. Semua lelaki masuk semifinal and two kids masuk jugak. Wow.

Pemenang: Abg zainal 🥇

Then, kami main dekat atas pulak sambil-sambil makan malam. Memasing dah lapar. We're having ayam barbeku, satay ikan, bihun goreng.

While eating, we played mafia game for the first time and it's chaos and funny! Hahaha. Ni game santai-santai je. Kids also joined tapi they can't cooperate when they got mafia because dude, they exposed their own mafia members!  (•̀⤙•́ ) But we enjoyed the game a lot.

Ahad (25 Februari 2024)

Next day, we started our games. The games are radio rosak, teka tulisan. Sementara menunggu semua berkumpul, we're karaoke-ing! We had our breakfast too! 

Last but not least, kami pun bergambar. Siap-siap kemas semua, kami pun berangkat pulang ke rumah. Rehat-rehat. Then, kami adakan acara penyampaian hadiah di rumah sebab tak sempat tadi kena check out dah. Overall group yang menang jatuh kepada Group MERAH 🎉🏆🥳🏅 

End of the day! Really enjoy this event! Looking forward to next year family day.

Cikteh clingy baby! (°◡°♡)

- Sabrina ♡